Monday, August 30, 2010

3 years later, I'm still here, still procrastinating

Ah, yes. I remembered that someone helped me set up a blog. Well, they couldn't make me do updates, so there! Actually, I just bumped into myself while roaming through the computer, which I am now allowed to use again. (That's another story.) (And, yes, it involves John.)
So here I am, with nothing much to say, but that never stops me from saying it. I am actually looking forward to my 64th birthday in January, because I plan to use a certain Beatles' song as my theme for the year. I shall blast it from my car, my ipod, and anything else I can find to put it on.
I should post some photos of the cats, but I don't know how and I am alone here today. Maybe later. Procrastinating again.
Well, I'm off to see a wizard. Later, all.